
75 % OFF -what would YOU have done???



 so, you hear the local art store is closing - and everything must go.  after you find your inhaler, you see it's all 75% OFF !!  so, i call my dad and we go....thinking there was nothing left....
well, we walked in casually and both had to remind ourselves to breathe.  then we split up and filled our baskets.  here's how cheap i am - i spent some time in the CLEARANCE aisle!!  doiy!!  
after i came to my senses, i hit the pastels, pencils and markers...the paints were cleared out.  i also bought inks, alternative turp. (alternaturp?), a shiny new metal pencil sharpener (with refill blades), a big bottle of collage glue, 2 brushes, an oval template, 6" metal ruler for ACEOs, some cool tapes, a nice gift-box of acrylics ($5), and the very best part, i finally got my Caran d'Ache Neocolor II collection.....jooooy.

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